Until last week I didn't know what a pillowcase dress was. A relative of mine hinted that she would just love pillowcase dresses or anything sewn for her little girls for Christmas. I went straight to pinterest and checked out what a pillowcase dress was. I am now in love with the pillowcase dress. I headed over to the fabric store and picked out the fabric. I found some nice quality quilting fabric. I made the straps out of chenille so they will be nice and comfy to wear. I made the owl applique mainly from the flowers which I cut from the background fabric and also chenille. the eyes are made from flowers, the wings are made from leaves, the beak is the center of a flower and the feet are also bits of flowers cut up.I stuffed the tummy of the owl with a small scrap of quilt batting. This dress is for a two year old. Next on my sewing list is a bigger version of this dress for her eight year old sister.
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